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黄烈佳 副教授
作者: 时间:2018-09-18 点击数:

黄烈佳 副教授


中文版 / English Version














[1]    黄烈佳,杨鹏.基于机器学习的武汉城市圈土地生态安全格局识别与优化策略[J].生态与农村环境学报, 202036(7)862-869.

[2]    黄烈佳.共生视角下农地城市流转决策与利益协调机制[M].北京:光明日报出版社,2019.3

[3]    黄烈佳,杨鹏.长江经济带土地生态安全时空演化特征及影响因素[J]. 长江流域资源与环境,2019288):1780-1790

[4]    Siyu Zhang,Weiyan Hu,Liejia Huang,Hongjie Du. Exploring the Effectiveness of Multifunctional Cultivated Land Protection Linking Supply to Demand in Value Engineering Theory: Evidence from Wuhan Metropolitan Area[J]. Sustainability 2019,11(22):6229; doi:10.3390/su11226229.

[5]    周小平,李小天,黄烈佳.耕地保护补偿资金分配认知及其影响因素探究——基于全国563份地方国土管理人员调查问卷的实证分析[J].中国土地科学, 2018,322):6-11(通讯作者)

[6]    Man Yuan,Yan Song,Yaping Huang,Shijian Hong,Liejia Huang.Exploring the Association between Urban Form and Air Quality in China,Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2018.12,38(4): 413-426

[7]    黄烈佳,代琳,宋彦.住宅郊区化进程中居住福利及其差异测度——以武汉市为例[J].现代城市研究,20184):123-129

[8]    李国敏,卢珂,黄烈佳.主体权益下耕地非农化价值损失补偿的反思与重构[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2017,27(12):137-145.

[9]    李国敏,卢珂,黄烈佳.国家尺度下耕地功能占补平衡模式研究[J].地域研究与开发,2017,36(06):110-114.

[10] 黄烈佳,张萌.基于住宅消费行为的住宅郊区化影响因素研究——以武汉市为例[J].现代城市研究,20156):39-44

[11] 黄烈佳,张波清.基于土地伦理观的城市边缘区农地城市流转决策探讨[J].生态经济,20134):43-47

[12] HUANG Liejia, ZHANG Boqing. The pattern of residential suburbanization: a case study of Wuhan citythe 11th national annual symposium on industrial technology of economic management engineering institutions. 2012.09

[13] 黄烈佳,张波清.农地城市流转规模决策模型[J].经济地理,2008285:826-831

[14] 黄烈佳. 农地城市流转及其决策研究[M].北京:中国农业出版社,2007

[15] 黄烈佳,张波清,张安录.农地城市流转区位决策问题探讨[J].资源科学,2007183:183-190

[16] 黄烈佳,张波清,张安录.耕地非农化的时空特征及其驱动力分析.中国房地产研究,2007

[17] 黄烈佳. 城乡生态经济交错区农地城市流转决策博弈研究[J].长江流域资源与环境,2006156:718-722

[18] 黄烈佳,张安录.农地价值与农地城市流转决策若干问题探讨[J].地理与地理信息科学,20062:88-91

[19] 黄烈佳.当前我国农地整理有关问题探讨[J].地域研究与开发,20041:77-79



[1]    国家自然科学基金:多目标多主体共生视角下农地城市流转决策与利益协调机制研究(2014-2017),主持

[2]    国家社会科学基金:底线公平视域下城市住房保障模式变革及其福利效应研究(2013-2016),参与

[3]    国家社会科学基金:1953-2012年中国城乡环境关系的经济史研究2013-2016),参与

Main Information

Name: HUANG Liejia

Professional Title: associate profession

Degree: PhD

Supervisor QualificationM

Email: huangliejia@hubu.edu.cn

DepartmentProjection Management

Discipline (First-Class Disciplinary-Secondary discipline)Public administration-land resource management

Courses:Real Estate Project Planning, Real Estate Applied Writing for undergraduateLand Economics, Land Use Planning for postgraduate

Area of Interest: Land use and economy; Real estate economy; Urban development; Ecology and environment economy


2010/07- Present, Associate Professor of school of Business, Hubei University

2006/07-2010/06, Lecturer of school of Business, Hubei University

2000/09-2006/06, Ph. D., School of Land Resources Management, Huazhong

Agricultural University,. Advisor: ZHANG Anlu

1996/09-2000/06,Bachelor’s degree, School of economic Management,

Huazhong Agricultural University.

Publication,   monograph, awards and etc.


[1]     Huang Liejia,Yang Peng. Identification and Optimization Strategy of Land Ecological Security Pattern in Wuhan Metropolitan Area Based on Machine Learning[J].Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment,2020,36(7):862-9968.

[2]     Huang Liejia. Decision-making and Interest Coordination Mechanism of Rural to Urban Land Conversion from the Perspective of Symbiosis[M]. Beijing: Guangming Daily Press,2019.3

[3]     Huang Liejia,Yang Peng. Spatio-temporal Evolution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Land Ecological Security in the Yangtze River Economic Belt[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin,2019,28 (8):1780-1790

[4]     Man Yuan,Yan Song,Yaping Huang,Shijian Hong,Liejia Huang. Exploring the Association between Urban Form and Air Quality in China,Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2018.12,38(4): 413-426

[5]     Siyu Zhang,Weiyan Hu,Liejia Huang,Hongjie Du. Exploring the Effectiveness of Multifunctional Cultivated Land Protection Linking Supply to Demand in Value Engineering Theory: Evidence from Wuhan Metropolitan Area[J]. Sustainability 2019,11(22):6229; doi:10.3390/su11226229.

[6]     Li Guomin, Lu Ke,Huang Liejia. Model of requisition-compensation Balance of Function of Cultivated Land under National Scale[J].Areal research and department,2017,36(6):110-114

[7]     Huang Liejia, Zhang Boqing. Decision-Making of Rural-Urban Land Conversion Based on Land Ethics in the Rural-Urban Fringe[J]. Ecological economy,2013,4

[8]     Huang Liejia, Zhang Boqing. Scale decision-making model of land conversion from Rural to Urban Areas [J]. Economic Geography, 2008, 28 (5):826-831

[9]     Huang Liejia, Zhang Boqing, Zhang Anlu. Location Decision-Making of Land Conversion from Rural to Urban Areas [J]. Resources Science, 2007, 29(3): 183-190

[10]  Huang Liejia. Rural to Urban Land Conversion and Its Decision-making[M],China Agriculture Press,2007

[11]  Huang Liejia. Decision-making of land conversion at the urban-rural economic fringe [J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2006,15 (6): 718- 722

Research Project


[1]     National Natural Science Foundation: Decision-making and Interest Coordination Mechanism of Rural to Urban Land Conversion based on the Symbiosis of Multi-Objective and Multi-Agent, 2014-2017

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